Alternative Coffee

Role: Experience Designer

Brand name has been changed to protect the innocent.

The Process

In building the foundation for the Alt Coffee Shopify website, research was conducted on competitive and adjacent brands to see where Alt Coffee should position its brand. A plus/delta analysis showed the strengths and weaknesses of other brands. A sitemap organized Alt Coffee’s website content. Wireframes based on the sitemap served as a foundation for visual design.


Research showed that there was a variety of voices and visuals in the “healthy beverage” space. Alt Coffee chose to position themselves as Elegant, Clean, High-Quality, and Sustainable.

Plus/Delta Analysis

Listing the strengths and weaknesses of competing brands made it easy for Alt Coffee to build on what their competitors were doing right and improve on what they were lacking.

Features List

Breaking down the features of competitors’ websites gave an insight into what users were expecting when they shop.


A sitemap was developed to organize the contents of the Alt Coffee website.

Wireframes and Visual Design

Wireframes arranged content and functionality, which served as a foundation for visual design.